Pirate Maidens Wiki
Freya the Furious 
Freya Gold

Rarity ★★★★★
Cost 43
Nation Sanctus
Type Gypsies
Combo Type Dandy Combo0001
Release Date Mar 15, 2013
Encounter Message: I'll cut you to ribbons! That'll teach you!
Lose Brawl: Better start praying!
Win Brawl: Hmph! You're still a sinner!
"What on earth is going on with everyone in this nation? You're late! It is even way too late for the morning session in the temple! All right anyways. I will start the preaching. You'll be grateful for learning the name of Buddhism."
— Freya the Furious

A highly regarded priestess from the otherworld. She was summoned when she was on the road returning from India after retrieving the holy sutra. She considers preaching to everyone in the world as her duty. 


Lvl 1 : 3900
Max  : 7456
Max+: 9692

Growth: +35

Lvl 1 : 3500
Max  : 6956
Max+: 9042

Growth: +35

Growth Progression: [2-60]

Skill: Foul Wind
Off-worlder ATK + 15%


Enhance Value:
500 experience

Dismiss Value:
5340 pence


- Defeat Freya the Furious 35 times during the Invaders From Another World Event.
- Purchased in the Sapphire Trading Post (1st ver.) for 100 Sapphires.
- Defeat Freya the Furious 25 and 50 times in Gathering of Powerful Foes Event (Part 2).

Cultural references[]


IMG 4394

Poster vector of Freya the Furious

Non-English details
Japanese name 荒ぶる三蔵法師
Chinese name 发怒的玄奘法师
Voice file
Voice actor (J) 横山瑞希
Voice actor (E) Mizuki Yokoyama
